Our services

Ballarat Men's Mental Health service

From initial contact, our team of professionally-trained staff will help guide you and your family to the most appropriate support services. They will ‘walk the journey with you’ until you and your family reach the other side.
Men's Mental Health Service
Ballarat Men's Mental Health Service

Our principles

Our ultimate goal at Ballarat Men’s Mental Health service is to build the skills and understanding of clients to empower them to take responsibility for their future health. We actively encourage men with mental health issues to seek help early in life and early in episode.

We do this by offering a male-centric service that is essentially a ‘gateway’ to achieving better mental health for local men. Our service is flexible, holistic, and recovery-focused with active case management at a level appropriate to the assessed needs of the person.

We engage men through friendly communication using language that is familiar to them and ‘jargon-free’. Our response is timely, appropriate and individually targeted, ensuring ‘no wrong doors’ and no valuable time wasted.

We collaborate with existing services. We respect that Ballarat’s current service system already reflects many skills and a great deal of experience. Part of our service is to help plan an individuals’ pathway through the services that are appropriate to their situation, eliminating the sense of frustration and futility that has been experienced in the past.

Consultations can be face-to-face or via Tele-health. Importantly, there is no denial of service based on ability to pay.

How we help - we walk the path with you

Step 1 - Contact us
Please contact us by email at info@ballaratmmh.com.au, or phone 03 4310 2119 and someone will get back to you. You can refer yourself, or ask a GP or other health professional to refer you. You can be referred by a family member, a friend or an organization. We don't mind how you get to us, just get in touch if you need help or someone to talk to. The first three sessions at Ballarat MMH are free to everyone.
Step 2 - Talk to someone
A qualified professional will get in touch and listen to your story - why you have contacted us and how we may be able to help. This is a discussion between the two of you; you will work out together what you may need from us or from someone else.
Step 3 - Getting the help you need
Our counsellor will work out with you the exact service you need and help you to get there. It could be advice, general counselling, financial support, alcohol and drug counselling, social work services or specialist psychologist referral. It could be more than one service. Whatever it is, if the service is available, we will help you to get there with a warm referral from us - that is, we contact them for you if you don't feel you can do it yourself and we make sure you make it to your first appointment. If a specialist service is needed but you have to wait, one of our counsellors can support you until your first appointment.
Step 4 - Ongoing care
Once you have entered a service you may not need anything further from us. Regardless, the first three sessions with us are free to everyone. After that, you will not be denied service if you cannot afford to pay. There is no pre-determined limit to the number of sessions you may have. That is worked out between your counsellor and you. If other needs are identified, our counsellors know they can come back to us with other recommendations for assistance you may need.
Stage 5 - Discharge
Once your treatment period is completed and you are discharged, you can contact us again at any time if you feel you need help.

Book an appointment

Referrals can be made by health professionals, self-referral, family/carer referral, through our website, phone or email.

Ballarat Men's Mental Health service

In the future we hope to expand our networks to include other professionals linked to BMMH. These could include support services in areas such as:

We walk the path with you